A LOT happened between the 50s and 70s. In the 50s tragedies went down like the Korean War, Suez Crisis and the Cuban Revolution. The fifty's were a pretty good time for the most part though. Well WWII was over and people were starting to get back on their feet. Elvis also made is debut ;) But SO did Marilyn Monroe. When the movie Singing in The Rain made its debut, it did not grow popular until later. And is now considered to be one of the best on film musicals, probably because it was the first of its kind. And check it out, Sputnik was launched-but we did get the first man on the moon.

Civil rights went down too. In 1954s infamous court case Brown v. Board, it was decided that segregated schools were no more. Oh snap. The next big riot began with Ms. Rosa Parks. Her little stunt caused a boycott that pushed bus revenues down 80%. Next thing you know, buses are desegregated. These minor and MAJOR boycotts went on until 1968. In 1964, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act! Martin Luther King Jr. became the father of desegregation and literally gave his life for African Americans rights. And after that the ever so handsome John F. Kennedy was assasinated!

Many people like John F. Kennedy too. The TV became pretty popular in 1960 and according to Britannica Encyclopedia, "Between 1960 and 1965, the average number of daily hours spent in front of a TV screen increased by 23 minutes, (the largest rise since 1950)." At the end of the 60s people started to get riled up about the Vietnam War.
Singing in the Rain came out in the United States in 1952 when life was good in the United States-besides the Korean War. People had money, cars, and they were starting to buy more and more televisions and telephones. The scene we watched in class was couldn't help but make you happy and want to sing. Life was good for America so why not sing about it?
It's funny, because the other "singing in the rain" scene, from A Clockwork Orange, made me want to vomit. The character totally ignores rape and violence and commits heinous crimes. The british movie was released at a time when the UK was not in a good position. Their economy was on the rocks, and immigration became a problem. In 1971 the microprocesser was created, which has to got to be like prehistoric to us now. When the movie came out, the civil rights move was over and people felt free to speak their voices. People started to express their feelings towards war ... and "The Beatles" kept releasing beautiful songs. Everyone was a bit more accepting, music became more edgy, people started to experiment with drugs and engage in more sex.
One scene was released during a time when families were happy and the other extreme was shown when people started to express what they feel more and revolt.

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