In 1956, a new type of interactive, video installation artist was born. Jim Campbell, was going to introduce a new type of art that integrated his scientific background to create amazing electronic installations. One of his pieces I found extraordinary was called,
Hallucination. It allowed viewers of his video art to experiment with their bodies. When someone looked at the screen, his or her body could go on fire. He also introduces a sneaky other person in the screen so the audience member is under the illusion someone else is in the room.

Another work he created was called,
Library he combined photos with different resolutions and edited each of them, removing certain aspects of a picture. The photos moved with time, so the image was constantly changing.
Campbell pushed interactive act to a new level, he did not want people to just push a button but he wanted his viewers to explore his work more intuitively. A lot of his work focuses on layering images, like in his more recent piece Simultaneous Perspective, he captures the live environment of a bathroom, and other various locations combined with previous architectonic images. He uses time and mixes the past and present. Currently, Campbell resides in California and is working with HDTV products.
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