Monday, October 25, 2010

Grid Art

I really did not know what type of piece I wanted to do for this project. I probably spent what seemed like an eternity at Home Depot looking up and down the aisles for the perfect grid.  I finally concluded I wanted to take a tile and make it look glamourous!  I wanted to add some color so I spray painted some of the tile hot pink.   I was going to glue Swavroski crystals on the tile, but it would be expensive so I just used beads I remembered I had.  All the bright colors from the beads reminded me of New York so I figured it would be cool if I spelled out I <3 New York in different color beads.  It did not come out as clean or as lined as wanted to.  There were a lot of beads and I wanted to add another layer or addition to it, so I thought it would be cool to spell out "The City That Never Sleeps," in magazine letters.  I hope you all liked it!


  1. I really liked your idea, a lot of interesting components with the spray painted tiles and the different colored beads. I like how you added words with magazine letters! Good job Alex

  2. I love the colors you used! You have a really interesting concept happening here. I especially liked the way the heart wasn't filled in with beads; it was an effective way to break up the grid.

  3. Your use of colors were great! I don't think you'd get the same message if it was done in other colors or just one color. Using the tile was very interesting and heavy!

  4. I loved the imagery of the beads. It created a lot of color variation to the piece. Good idea of the creating a heart outline, and adding magazine letter to add emotional meanings.

    To me your grid art represented a love piece, the heart and magazine letters really broaden that spectrum. The weight of the tile also could be a meaning to the grid as well.

    I think the title of your piece could be, "Love is worth a heavy heart". Just a nice thought I came up with.

    Anyway I really liked your grid.

    Good job :)

  5. I really liked the beads you used and the bright colors. At first i thought they were bells which made me excited because i thought your grid would make noise. I also enjoyed that you added the magazine letters to break up the use of beads.

  6. this was a good idea, Santiago wasn't too crazy about the grid aspect but I thought it worked for was it was. Also liked that you used varying forms the create your shapes.
